
Showing posts from September, 2021
 Today we went over a project about the color purple. My classmates went over their section of the book. As it was my first day back I had the special words, the words that stick out . I started to go over the words I found and found a few but my partner in my group is going out of town. Finishing my part tonight. 
 Today we went over another poem about how the author is describing death. We went over the double meanings in the text. We also went over other questions for our blog, the questions where a little hard to understand but I was able to complete them. We are going into more detail about the poem tomorrow.

Write About A Question You Wished You'd Asked

 It not a question but i feel if I would have asked more question in school i would have been more successful. I don't like talking nor do I like people so in school I didn't ask  questions, even if  i didn't understand the work i would just stay quite . I knew what to say some times but couldnt because i didnt know how to say it. I try to ask questions now but  it doesnt really help when I dislike people. I dont really see a point in asking questions anymore i just think about the answer and say it.

Write About When You Knew You Were In Trouble

 A time I knew I was in trouble was when I broke my mothers tv. My brothers and I were playing football in the house, my brother threw the ball in the air above my head and it had hit the tv. So as we started looking at each other we tried to turn it on. As we turned it on lines from green to blue covered the screen, my mother was at work so me and my little brother had time before she got home and didnt know how to fix it .She got home and was very upset as I blamed my brother she started to yell.

Write About Something You Cant Deny

I cant deny I love cars, I feel as if cars are the funniest way to get around. The way they are made from the new car smell, cars are just great. How many people know how to change their oil? Even though most times females are the  ones who are stuck not knowing how to change things on a car. I believe everyone should know how to  work their car. 

Write About What You Used to Know How To do

 I use to know how to draw, in third grade I was in a art club. After third grade I stopped because i didnt see it as fun. It was a  good hobby but growing up fast made me want to work  instead of drawing. As I got older I  wanted to  learn how to paint but I put that to the side and thought of other things. Hopefully I get into another hobby, like another sport or something.

Write About What You Planned To Do

 I planned on becoming a lawyer, I  don't really like school so I changed my mind. Schools becomes boring I rather leave high school and work. Anytime I think about crimes and their cases I  get  reminded of that. Sometimes I try to find a way to argue my point with family members when we watch crime shows. Hopefully I could still find a way to argue my point even if becoming a lawyer  is out of my reach.

Write about something that doesnt get better

 Something  that doesnt get better is life, life stays the same for me. Well most people spend their everyday life working to pay bills and to take care of their family. This means it is the same thing everyday for most people. Some people live pay check to pay check. While others may have the blessing to be able to life how they want most don't. Hopefully people find their own path, and find a better way to live.
 Today In second period we read went over another poem. The poem was about death and how the author felt about it . The bell ring was about what would drive you to lose your mind. My answer was death, losing a love one could push anyone over the edge. How people could lose their mind in many different ways.
 In today’s class we discussed knowing your self as a person. We went over a poem and a poet that talked about knowing her self and if she is someone or not . As we read her poem she called her self nobody and being nobody is being boring. Doing everyday things make you as a person boring and we broke down how it is being normal .
 We talked about arguments today in 2nd period. An argument is a claim supported by evidence. We also watch the oj case and how his lawyers got him zero jail time . We went into details like if u don’t have facts does your opinion matter or how can you back it up . We also talked about logos and rhetorical today.
 Today we talked about the meanings of another text. We took a test on how to analyze the text. The whole class failed as only me and two people had good graders. The son in the text becomes a bird during the end of the story. Going in on what the answers could me and what they actually meant.