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The Land Of David               
                One day a man named David thought of a land, a land of his own a land his wife and could live free of rules free of laws. As David   found his new world off in the stars, he began to make the grass and the water and mountains as high as the blue sky. He also knew that with a new world came with unfamiliar problems, half man half horse his brother named centaurs the evil one his own brother. As the time went pass David and his   wife Addi had a baby named Elijah as David had the power make worlds and his wife had the power to grow food with a snap of her fingers their son became the god of war. David now had a family and started to think bigger as he thought of his new world, he knew one day it will be needed to support life, and wife and said one day I will Not be here, so I need you both to promise to keep this land safe. 

                 David flew up into the sky, his wife and son promised him they would always keep his land safe. Elijah had a pet named Cerberus a three headed animal as big as a skyscraper. As Elijah grew older, he needed a wife, so his father brought him a wife from the stars, they had kids, their kids had kids as the population grew so did Elijah. Cerberus and David thought of a way to help these kids stay   alive, so the father of the land David gave the children animals, cows, pigs, chickens. Life seems good as the kids grow up more problems come. The evil centaurs came to land again. He spoke to a group of children and as the kids asked who he was he said I am centaurs, the father of this land.  

      He filled the children's ear's with lies as he told them the ones, they call siblings are the ones who kills and cause pain he shows them vision of their brothers killing. They become angry   as they do not understand centaurs laugh and fly away, their kids start to move all through put the land and begin to make homes. They start to become hungry as they brought no food as an army. They came back to the mother land to get   food Elijah stands they ask for food Elijah speaks and tell them I have given all I have to give. 
          The kids became angry and started to charge at Elijah, Elijah the god of war stands and takes a step as they stop the step was so powerful all sound in the area stopped as it became quiet, they stood still Elijah tells them to return to their home or they shall be destroyed. As the kids returned centaurs came and told them I will give for people food of yall make me kind as I do not ask much just respects and for u and your people to follow my rule. Having no options, they agreed. Centaurs' first rule was to take over all food and land, the people having no choice started to march back to their homeland ready for war and any punishment their father may bring.  

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    Centaurs flew above them as the marched as he landed Cerberus the 3 headed beast stood on all four of his legs and asked why you are here you are not allowed here evil one centaur laughed and told the animal look your own people have come to claim what is theirs. Elijah, awaking by the sound of footsteps, walked out of his house, he stood tall and blew wind out of his mouth pushing the people back. centaurs told his army keep going as food and land was waiting them, the army keep going Elijah doing all his power not to hurt them while his was distracted centaurs flew to his mother Addi and picked her up above the cloud and dropped her into the bottomless ocean to forever drown. Elijah keeps his children back blow them halfway to the other side of the world and he heard his mother scream he ran to her house a 10-story house each floor with plants and animals she loved dearly as he looks, he did not see her. He calls on his father, his father tells him what has happened and explains the treatment that is bigger than any problem he has seen before. The half man half horse Davids brother his father explains a start was made by good energy and the sun but on the other part of the sun is an evil heat that no one can see with a good energy is always a negative energy. David explained as they we up centaurs wanted to be different and loved pain and the darkness so he asked a sun god to make him a beast that will be feared the sun god made him into a pal man with a white face and a horse body. Elijah asked why we are darker than his father if he is the evil one, David explained evil comes in many forms shapes and sizes it is about how you are as a person not the color of one's face.  

              The new   information Elijah found out he  set out to find the evil half man half horse named centaurs he traveled around the once wonderful world to see dead body's people without food and fight for the little they could find as he found the kingdom which centaurs lived, he approached. Standing Oon his 2 feet and his 10 toes Elijah yelled ‘centaurs I have come for your headed as u murder my mother, I shall murder you’ centaurs laughed as he flew down from his chair made from bons. Centaurs spoke and said you are nothing but a child a thought in your fathers mind a slave too  his rule  , Elijah stood tall and gave centaurs a  push of  1000 men and called  Oon cherubs the beast  as Elijah shoot fire from his  hands and wind from his mouth it started a tornado  to   destroy centaurs creation centaurs  became out raged and started to call on his army of evil , people  with black eyes and nothing in their mind cerbus opened his mouth and a place  of fire and pain was showing as the  people charged  at  them they ran into  cerbus mouth  never too be seen again  centaurs  began to fly away as if he could escape the pain  he caused  David stopped him and burnt  his wings he fell into the dogs mouth into the  evil place forever he shall

This is my origin myth for my 2nd block class


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