
Showing posts from August, 2021
  Document35 - Copy.docx We can't contact the server. Content may be incomplete. 1 / 3 The Land Of David                                One day a man named David thought of a land, a  land of his own a land his  wife and could live free of rules free of laws. As David   found his new world off in the  stars, he began to make the grass and the water and mountains as high as the blue sky. He  also knew that with a new world came with unfamiliar problems, half man half horse his  brother named centaurs the evil one his own brother. As the time went pass David and his    wife Addi had a baby named Elijah as David had the power make worlds and his wife  had the power to grow food with a snap of her fingers their son became the god of war.  David now had a family and started to think bigger as he thought of his new world, he  knew one day it will be needed to support life, and wife and said one day I will Not be  here, so I need you both to promise to keep this land safe.                
 The poem about the teenagers hanging out at the pool house. As the kids skip school to hang out and drink and smoke a women looks on . I felt like the topic we are going over is good for people my age . I hope we go into the poem meaning more tomorrow and how it could be analyzed better.
 Hello, today’s story on the The Jealous Father was different. As we got into the text it we saw jealously  in a lot of moments. Manly feeling what’s the point of jealousy the father of the text completely left his son for dead . The mother of the story was a great person praying for her son to come home. The son lied to get his way to show how people will kill to survive. Hopefully tomorrow’s text will be the same in entrainment.
 Other blog for Monday , today discussion on religion and how it played a key into today’s lesson was different. As we went into detail about the text and what it had to offer it showed a lot of references to the Bible. Being informed on how the text compared Noah’s ark to another person and or god. Some of the story felt more cartoonish than the rest of the story .Even when discussing the text i wonder on how I would analyze this text . 
 Today was the same , doing class work I didn’t really learn anything new. It seem like we was just taking notes for the test Monday . Class discussion went as it normally did talk about what will be doing for the rest of the week and that was it . My another class went the same as well talking about Friday and the up coming week. Hopefully tomorrow I will pass these test and get a high grade.
 Today was another great day ,class so far have been fun. The poems was good so far as the top it was cool the group work was fine. I feel as if we get more in-depth to proms it will be easier to analyze. Other periods went by as usual, but reading poem help me understand why writers write . Hopefully Tomorrow will go smoothly as well .
 Class today was different going into poems about the black culture. It seem to help the class to understand the material better as we talk about how to break down poems and knowing what meaning the writer is talking about. To have a deep conversation about how blacks are treated and to over come better days . Even though some people in the class seem not to understand others and I love the topic being discussed being able to talk about unfairness in community’s.Today was a great day all 4 periods went by fast .
 Second period was a great class today, I love learning about my past and what struggles my people have been through. The subject of a poem about the unfairness that colored people had to interest me. Without some of these great Poets people wouldn’t understand how it was in those days . To be treated less then a person shouldn’t be allowed. Most people can agree on where humanity started but the ignorant people of this world have their own opinions.
 Today was the same the power went out, so we did not  get to finish all of our work. Today was different really, the kids at this school are really childish. But I still love the school I hope I pass tomorrow’s quiz. Sometimes studying helps but it’s learning how to say the words having , having problems with understanding someone the words but I feel like I got it. All of my classes are the same though a lot to of discussions about White people, even though teachers are not supposed to talk about other races it was a fun discussion .
 Today was a long day, first period teacher was not there. It was a chill period but no one was doing they work. The class wasn’t as loud when she normally there. Second period was better today than it was all week, learned a lot about how to break down text. Went into detail about one of my favorite topics, drugs in the black community. The period went by so fast, third was different because of the fact we had a project and I was the only person doing work for my group. I am a hard worker so I did it  by myself of course. Fourth was the same lots of work in a small time period, the group behind us was very annoying thats the only problem I have with that class. They sit and talk about nothing for a hour and complain about the class doing they work. The teacher was telling us how her third period acts like little kids and how loud they are and the kids behind me was saying they want to be in that class. I really don’t understand why people wake up every morning just to go to school and


 Hi my name is Quadir Palmer I’m seventeen I’m from Decatur Georgia. My plan for this year is to pass all my classes with a 4.0 gpa. My parents are from Jamaica born and raised. My plan After high school is to become a auto technician and a realtor. I like writing about true crime dramas ,I love horror movies. I use to play football but stopped when I moved. I hope to learn a lot from this class , My teacher seems cool and hope to gain a lot from him. I’m also into cars and I’m good at working with my hands.